As everyone who knows or works with David will understand, he prides himself in the work he does with private clients helping them to improve their golf game, and therefor their enjoyment of the game. David’s Coaching is based around improving players technique, mental approach/strength, course management, etc. to help them maximise their potential. However………there are a few other factors involved along this journey.
One of the main points early on in the journey is to ensure that specifications of the equipment players are using is perfectly suited to their golf swing.
Over the past few years David has built a wonderful working relationship with PXG and PXG Master Fitter Matt Straughan here in the UK. This partnership works very well in combining the expertise of both David’s coaching and the PXG Custom Fitting system to ensure all players equipment is perfect aligned with their own particular golf swing. This in turn helps to maximise each clients potential.
David’s personal journey with PXG started with his own comprehensive Custom Fitting with Matt (Straughan) and then seeing the incredible results once the clubs arrived.
Coaching clients to single figure handicaps (and beyond) is a much quicker and easier process when players are using equipment specifically set up for them after a PXG Custom Fitting with one of their Master Fitters.
Please get in touch if you would like help in organising your own custom fitting with a PXG Master Fitter within your region of the UK. – Let’s get you fully PXG’d up!
PXG 0811 ProtoX 9 Degree
Shaft – Fujikura Pro 2.0 6-X
PXG 0317X 17 Degree
Shaft – KBS Prototype 95 X
Sugar Daddy Gen2 – 54 & 60 Degree
Shaft – N.S.Pro 850GH R
PXG 0311X 15 Degree
Shaft – Project X Evenflow 6.0-S 75g
PXG 0311 T (4 – GW)
SHAFT – N.S.Pro Modus3 120X
PXG Brandon S
Length – 34″
PXG Tour Bag (White)
PXG Lightweight Stand Bag (Black)
PXG Hybrid Stand Bag (White)